WNC Local League Regular Season Schedule Requirement (Baseball & Softball)
A local league regular season schedule shall consist of each team having a minimum of 10 games scheduled within their league and (or) in an interlocking
league schedule with other Chartered Cal Ripken (4-12), Babe Ruth (13-18), or Babe Ruth Softball (6-18) leagues at the discretion of the League President prior
to the start of Tournament Play (All-Stars).
WNC Local League Regular Season Player Participation (Requirement for All-Stars Baseball & Softball)
In WNC, to be eligible for selection to an Official Babe Ruth League Tournament Team (All-Stars), a player must have participated in at least 50% of his or her local league
team's scheduled games played prior to the first scheduled Tournament Game. If an odd number of games is involved, the player receives the benefit; ie, for eligibility,
one-half of 13 games played is 6 games. Exceptions may be granted for injury or conflicts owing to the participation in scholastic sports, but must be documented by a doctor's
release or the scholastic sports schedule, as appropriate, at the time that the required tournament team documents are certified by the District Commissioners.